Aqua Blossom Dupatta Fabric - purchase as Oracle Cloak, Gossamer Gown, or as is!
Aqua Blossom Dupatta Fabric - purchase as Oracle Cloak, Gossamer Gown, or as is!
Aqua Blossom Dupatta Fabric - purchase as Oracle Cloak, Gossamer Gown, or as is!
Aqua Blossom Dupatta Fabric - purchase as Oracle Cloak, Gossamer Gown, or as is!
Bold Oracle Studios

Aqua Blossom Dupatta Fabric - purchase as Oracle Cloak, Gossamer Gown, or as is!

Regular price $113.00

A gorgeous light aqua Indian dupatta with rich sparkly pink flowers. You get to choose to have it made into an Oracle Cloak or Gossamer Gown, or to simply purchase it as is. Alert! There is a light stain on the back of the shoulder area - I've adjusted the price accordingly.

 The drape and movement is fabulous.  It will fit from a small to XXXL.
The reason Oracle Cloaks are so special is that the shoulder piece is at least 3 layers of fabric, lined in velvet for cozy softness, and each piece has significant hand sewing. It's sewn in a way that best protects the delicate, lovely dupatta fabric. As a result, it'll last a long, long time with proper care. The lovely shoulder textile is strong, so that you can absolutely pin it directly to a shoulder strap (no damaging your dupatta), and the three layers mean that you don't need to see the pin at all from the top- just pin through the bottom 1 or 2 layers.

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